Are neckties going the way of Fedora hats? Not according to The Wall Street Journal. Early December this past year @WSJ reported, “The Necktie Is Making An Office Comeback.” That’s a retraction from an earlier 2013 headline declaring, “Obama Wears His Suit Without A Tie. Can You? Which way to go? Their latest, “The boss wears a hoodie. The intern wears a necktie.”
This past week Ralph Lauren made fashion history, the first fashion designer to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Receiving the honor, New York Times reported, “He dressed in a tweed blazer, a knit necktie and squishy dark sneakers.” Despite the newspaper of record misrepresenting Ralph’s Tweed Sport Jacket a Blazer, they got the narrow knit cravat right. He did not go tieless.
For those choosing to wear a tie regardless of the circumstance, J. Press presents an unmatched cornucopia of choice beyond the boring plain color sloppily knotted neckties regularly displayed by morticians, bank tellers, chauffeurs, and TV News anchors.
The habit of regular visits to J. Press stores in New York, New Haven and Washington, DC or @jpressonline never cease to reward the “necktie browser.” Just the right catalyst to unite elements of one’s attire will invariably be found in a perfectly patterned richly colored silken soft J. Press necktie.
We pride ourselves on always showing the ‘pick’ of Hand Blocked Printed Foulard, ‘Dusty’ Ancient Madder Block Twill, ‘Old Boy’ Striped Repp, Wool Challis, Regimental and Macclesfield Silks from England and Ireland in slender aproned true-bias neckties.
Despite my long-term personal preference garnered over the years from our equally large grouping of J. Press bow ties, whichever you choose, kindly follow my directional motto,

I Tie My Tie, You Tie Your Tie
I Tie My Tie, You Tie Your Tie
The necktie is a badge of rebellion against slovenliness and the general decline of standards.
“There is no time when ties do not matter,sir.”
Jeeves to Bertie Wooster in “Jeeves and the Tie That Binds” (1971) P. G. Wodehouse
I try to dress for the occasion and a Necktie is appropriate for over 50% of most occasions!
Now more than ever is it proper to be able to get a chance to be a little bit more organizing for yourself.
I’ll be a tie man until they close my casket lid.