We Are College Guys

We Are College Guys

In 1958 Larry Elliot, fellow Chi Phi at Dartmouth and trombonist leader of the Dartmouth Indian Chiefs Dixieland Band, wrote the music and co-authored the book and lyrics with yours truly for “The Chuck Sturdley Story,” a one-act musical that brought down the house. Actually, several houses. 

The show won a college prize for best presentation at the annual Inter-fraternity Theatre Contest and was subsequently offered a spot at a campus variety show sponsored by the college in majestic Webster Hall overlooking the Dartmouth Green adjacent to Baker Library. The leading role depicting romantically luckless plugger Chuck Sturdley was winsomely portrayed by fraternity brother John Hamilton Miller, post-college, News Editor of The Wall Street Journal.

Our frothy kerfuffle was a distant cousin of “Animal House,” co- incidentally scripted by Dartmouth ‘62 alum Chris Miller.

Here is the blockbuster opening and closing number:

We are college guys, with bloody blood shot eyes,
Everybody loves us, so do we.
Colorful til death, with whiskey on our breath,
Fraternity, virility, sexuality.
Inhibitions we hate
When seducing a date,
A clever remark,
A hand in the dark
Everything else can just wait.
Rah, Rah, Rah.


Singing and dancing and studiously romancing,
But to academic epidemics we’re immune.
As students we admit
We’re slightly out of fit,
But you can get an “A” in any way
If you remember to write in pen,
That’s the reason
We are college men!

Before COVID struck I spotted a newspaper squib reporting a contemplated Broadway musical production of “Animal House.” Should it ever come to pass and the producers care to co-opt our song, it’s available.




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Loving “Threading The Needle.” You are a very accomplished author…who would have thought in those halcyon days of yore?
Keep it up!

Bob Jaffe

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