Heartfelt Intro To A Weighty Tome

Heartfelt Intro To A Weighty Tome

Threading The Needle II, currently in circulation, affords the opportunity to include my Introduction in our bi-weekly thread.

One of my favorite comedians in days of old, Jimmy Durante’s raspy voice belted out, “The Song’s Gotta Come From The Heart.” Here’s my heartfelt rejoinder:

AFTER MANY DECADES in the barn, I am forced to confront a reverse ontological reality: J. Press successfully endures beyond its Press-family origins, but my public fame, however meager, would be even more negligible were it not for the scribblings I devote to the firm Grandpa Press founded 120 years ago.

The  columns culled from the encyclopedic collection for inclusion in the current tome—paired with my onstage MC appearances at J. Squeeze events with all their surrounding hoopla—foster both a sense of pride and unmitigated personal joy.

It has been a long journey since my prep-school days as columnist and editor-in-chief of the Loomis (now Loomis Chaffee) Log to my current post, churning out digital spoonful’s of Threading The Needle. Hope you enjoy the flowering remains of the day. There’s little more I can add to the thousands of words ahead except to ask fellow readers to consider an advertising jingle that was popular when I was in the sixth grade:

Sit back, relax, and chew your Dubble Bubble Gum!


Addenda: Get the book @jpressonline














Few are as talented in telling a story as you are. Keep on trucking!!!

Jim McCullough

Perhaps you should have stayed with journalism.
Perhaps you could have anchored a Sunday news show.
“Meet the Press” (?)

Bob Feen

Keep it coming!

Milton Thomas Cole

